Newmarket, Ontario, Canada
Tel: (905) 853-3424 Fax: (905) 853-5898

Picture of Low Profile Belt Conveyor
Low Profile Belt Conveyor
Picture of Incline Belt Conveyor
Incline Belt Conveyor
Picture of Wire Mesh Belt Conveyor
Wire Mesh Belt Conveyor

Belt Conveyors

Belt conveyors are one of the most commonly used conveyors because of their versatility. With belt conveyors, product is conveyed directly on the belt or in containers on the belt. Cleats and corrugated sidewalls can be added to help contain product as well as support transferring up and down elevations. Various types of belts and materials are offered to support most conditions including wet applications, oily part handling, and hot parts applications.

The following specifications can be easily modified with multiple options available:

Available options: